Selby Town Hall
What's On
Thursday 23 Jan 20257:30pm Book Now

Completing the Trilogy begun with Genius 2.0 and The Work of the Devil, Have We Met? finds Simon standing, like Ulysses in Tennyson’s famous verse, gazing out over the moaning deep and the twinkling rocks and wondering whether to seek a newer world? To smite the sounding furrows? To strive, to seek, and to find? Or whether in fact, to put the kettle on, crack open the Hobnobs and simply yield?

Saturday 1 Feb 20257:30pm Book Now

Alice Armstrong is a singer-songwriter and entertainer from the UK, gaining traction like a runaway train on the British live music scene.  Known for her impressive vocal range, unconventional lyrics and enigmatic stage presence, Alice’s music busts the seams of traditional genres, creating a heady amalgamation of blues, soul, funk, rock, pop and country.